Superorganisms in Einsteinian Space

September 1, 2008
12:00 am

a talk and slideshow by Douglas H. Chadwick, wildlife biologist and author of seven books on natural history. Doug’s books include True Grizz, Growing Up Grizzly, Beasts the Color of Winter and The Fate of the Elephant, named by the New York Times Book Review as a Best Book of the Year. He has also written more than three hundred articles for magazines including National Geographic, Audubon and Sierra. Doug’s definition of superorganisms is “colonies that act like a single creature through the remarkable communica-ion systems within the group” – like ants and termites. His pre-sentation helps us understand the resources and workings of a forest-canopied ecosystem by focusing on the little creatures and how much they support the life of an ecosystem.

Session Category :  Glacier Wildlife  Presentation