Session Category Archives: Photography

The Names of the St. Mary Valley

Montana House welcomes local author Blake Passmore who will give a presentation about the history and stories behind places found in the St. Mary Valley of Glacier National Park. His talk will begin at 4:00 pm in the Kintla Camp event room at Montana House in Apgar Village.

Blake will focus on the history, ‘place names’, and stories behind locations in the St. Mary Valley. He will draw from his previously published books that are full of his photography and rich history of Glacier. These titles include: What They Called It (Vols. I and II), Up on the Roof (with fifty panoramic photos of Glacier including peak identification), and his five volume climbing guide series Climb Glacier National Park. All of these books, distributed by Montana Outdoor Guidebooks, are available at Montana House.

In keeping with Blake’s interest in Glacier’s history, he holds a Bachelor’s degree in History and also a Master’s of Education. He truly enjoys learning and sharing his knowledge of Glacier and encourages all to explore Glacier, learn the history and “find your adventure!”.

Blake’s presentation begins at 4:00 pm with time for questions, book signing, and reception to follow. This event is free and open to the public. RSVP to reserve a seat: phone: 406 888-5393 or email:

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Mountain Goats – True Life in Glacier – A Sumio Harada Video Presentation

Sumio presentationOn Saturday, May 27th at 11:00 am Montana House will host a presentation by renowned local photographer/videographer Sumio Harada in another “Look, Listen and Learn” program series. Sumio will present extensive video footage of mountain goats of Glacier National Park in the recently completed room (named “Kintla Camp”) on the 2nd floor of Montana House. His videos depict mountain goat behaviors such as nanny and kid interactions, seasonal feeding and mineral licking, mating, travelling and playing on snow banks. Also included is footage of bighorn sheep, pika, ptarmigan, marmot and other wildlife species.

A reception will follow Sumio’s presentation. The event is free and open to the public but reservations are required. Phone 406 888-5393 or e-mail:

Due to popular demand, we have added a second presentation at 1pm! Call now!

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Landscapes for the People

Ren and Helen Davis are authors of the new book, Landscapes for the People: George Alexander Grant, First Chief Photographer of the National Park Service. This book provides a biography of Grant and features more than 170 of the iconic black and white images made during his 25+ year career with the National Park Service. Among these are 17 photographs from Glacier National Park. The Davis’ will present a narrated power point featuring a brief biography of Grant and his work with the park service, followed by a selection of images from the Park Service collection – including several from his many trips to Glacier. At the conclusion of the presentation they will be delighted to answer questions. A book signing and reception will follow.

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Wild Harmony

Join us for a Look Listen and Learn presentation by Sumio Harada and the release of his newest book “Wild Harmony”. Sumio will share his thoughts and observations about changes that happen for Glacier Park’s wildlife over time and see his images depicting the true life of wildlife of Glacier National Park.


Wild Harmony is about the ecosystem and connections of wildlife. Animals’ ability to adapt to their individual environments in order to live. Sumio will speak about the background stories of impressive photography in the book and you will learn about what was happening at the time of the photos. This will be a profoundly memorable presentation of Sumio’s photography.


Three presentation times: 11am, 1pm and 3pm


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A Trip Through Glacier Park

Chris_Peterson_BookIn 1915, author Mary Roberts Rinehart wrote “Through Glacier Park in 1915”. It was  her story of a 300-mile journey through Glacier Park.  For the 100th anniversary of  that trip, Chris Peterson retraced that journey and wrote his third book “A Trip Through Glacier Park” which he will present for our first Look Listen and Learn program of the 2016 summer season.


Chris Peterson has been with the Hungry Horse News for the past 18 years, either as its photographer or editor or both. He lives in Columbia Falls and has hiked almost every trail in the Park and hundreds of miles in the Bob Marshall Wilderness. Reservations required – call (406) 888-5393 or click the button to send us an email. Reception to follow presentation.


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Stock and Whatnot

For four decades Tom has crossed the globe capturing wildlife photographically. Tom will create a ‘retrospective ‘of the 40 years he has been a professional photographer. Thousands of his photos have been published in periodicals familiar to all, from National Geographic, Smithsonian and Ranger Rick to Woman’s World.

For many years Tom has been leading tours to remote parts of the world, such as Patagonia, Tierra del Fuego, Galapagos Islands, Costa Rica, and East Africa. Additionally, Tom also conducts photography seminars and workshops around the country and lectures at numerous institutions.

Come and enjoy an hour viewing hundreds of images and the stories behind them.

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